Previous Submissions
Submissions are available for 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023 reviews. Please note that only suggestions were published in 2003. Suggestions, comments and objections are available from 2007.
Use the drop down menus to filter your search by year. Leave blank to return all submissions.
2023 - Suggestions
B Close (32.84 MB) |
C Wijns (394.89 KB) |
City of Kwinana (6.11 MB) |
City of Subiaco (687.32 KB) |
Cr Chris Pavlovich (78.51 KB) |
Cr Gary Dring, Shire of Coorow (434.88 KB) |
Denmark Chamber of Commerce (215.91 KB) |
Dr A R Fullarton - Dr B K Davies (3.27 MB) |
Dr M Mulcair (443.86 KB) |
Hon. Neil Thomson MLC (800.52 KB) |
I Miffing (848.95 KB) |
L Comer (2.67 MB) |
L Dixon (316.31 KB) |
L Kain (723.71 KB) |
M J Proud (4.8 MB) |
Mr B Reynolds - Co Chair, West Perth Local Community Group (347.92 KB) |
Mr D Burns (363.64 KB) |
Shire of Augusta Margaret River (454.03 KB) |
Shire of Boyup Brook (367.23 KB) |
Shire of Carnarvon (226.65 KB) |
Shire of Collie (71.62 KB) |
Shire of Dandaragan (272.25 KB) |
Shire of Dardanup (492.41 KB) |
Shire of Dundas (390.54 KB) |
Shire of Esperance (532.36 KB) |