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Contact Us



Electoral Boundaries WA
GPO Box F316
PERTH  WA  6841


9214 0450 (country callers 13 63 06)
8.30 am - 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday

Translation and Interpreting Service (TIS)

13 14 50 and then ask for (08) 9214 0400

National Relay Service

Speak and Listen number 1300 555 727
SMS Relay number 0423 677 767


Between 8.30am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday at:

Office of the Electoral Distribution Commissioners
C/O Western Australian Electoral Commission
Level 2, 66 St Georges Terrace (corner of William Street and St Georges Terrace)
PERTH  WA  6000

Our office is fully accessible.

Our office is located within walking distance of the Esplanade train station and bus stops on William Street and St Georges Terrace. Visit Transperth for route and timetable information. Public parking is also available nearby.