Previous Submissions
Submissions are available for 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023 reviews. Please note that only suggestions were published in 2003. Suggestions, comments and objections are available from 2007.
Use the drop down menus to filter your search by year. Leave blank to return all submissions.
2023 - Objections
066 Susan Martin (216.91 KB) |
067 Andrew Martin (215.03 KB) |
068 Jenny Kelly (1.64 MB) |
069 Mr Kevin Pauley (817.14 KB) |
070 Goldfields Voluntary Organisation of Councils - GVROC (909.14 KB) |
071 Tony McRae, CEO, JYAC (599.37 KB) |
072 Ken Davis (2.11 MB) |
073 Veronica Fleay (238.61 KB) |
074 Natalie Valance (208.46 KB) |
075 Cr Sue Etherington (263.37 KB) |
076 Gil Johnson (232.35 KB) |
077 Christina Wiese (103.47 KB) |
078 Linden Knight (225.58 KB) |
079 Robert Johnson (223.84 KB) |
080 Ken Morris (225.06 KB) |
081 Rys Challen (103.71 KB) |
082 Jennifer Smith (232.97 KB) |
083 Beverley Ford (231.46 KB) |
084 Lisa Logan (220.79 KB) |
085 David Gunter (227.57 KB) |
086 Steve Chamarette (110.79 KB) |
087 Tom Davies (410.69 KB) |
088 Len and Margaret Genoni (216.48 KB) |
089 Andrew Paul Gorman (283.11 KB) |
090 Dr Kim Pedlow (234.62 KB) |